Development of LED method of reproduction of luminous intensity unit


  • Valerii Tereshchenko National Scientific Center «Institute of Metrology» Myronosytska str., 42, 61002 Ukraine, Kharkiv, Україна


Ключові слова:

Standard, Luminous intensity unit, Pulse light quantities, Unit of illumination, Narrow-band LED, Symmetrical spectrum distribution


The functionality of the State primary standard of luminous intensity unit is expanded through introduction of reproduction, transmission and storage of pulsed light quantities. A method for reproduction of illumination unit characterizing pulsed light quantities is proposed based on reproduction of luminous intensity unit when using a narrow-band LED with symmetrical spectrum distribution.

Біографія автора

Valerii Tereshchenko, National Scientific Center «Institute of Metrology» Myronosytska str., 42, 61002 Ukraine, Kharkiv

Junior researcher


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