Five years of research in absolute radiation thermometry at CEM
DOI:Ключові слова:
Absolute radiation thermometry, Radiance method, Standard radiation thermometer, Filter radiometerАнотація
As part of the revision of the International System of Units (SI), the kelvin, unit of thermodynamic temperature, will be redefined by fixing the value of a value to the Boltzmann constant k, a definition broad enough to encompass any form of thermometry [1]. The evolving mise en pratique for the definition of the kelvin (MeP-K) [2] will, in its forthcoming edition, encourage the realisation and dissemination of the thermodynamic temperature, , either directly (primary thermometry), or indirectly (relative primary thermometry) via fixed points with assigned reference thermodynamic temperatures.
Since 2011, Centro Español de Metrología (CEM), the Spanish NMI and Instituto de Óptica of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IO-CSIC), the Spanish Designated Institute for luminous intensity and luminous flux, have been working together in the absolute spectral responsivity calibration of standard radiation thermometers and filter radiometers for the dissemination of absolute radiation temperature.
This paper describes the different approaches followed, the instruments and facilities developed, the main achievements obtained and indicates the forthcoming work in this field.
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Martín, M. J., Mantilla, J. M., del Campo, D., Hernanz, M. L., Pons, A. and Campos, J. Subbmitted to the Int. J. Thermophys. Tempmeko 2016 Special Issue
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