Limits of noble and base metal thermocouples


  • Peter Pavlasek Slovak Institute of Metrology (SMU) Karloveska 63, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia, Словаччина


Ключові слова:

Temperature sensors, Thermocouples, Aerospace measurements, Hysteresis and homogeneity effects, Noble metal


In the fallowing paper we will focus on one of the most frequently used temperature sensors, which are thermocouples. As these sensors are used in a variety of applications reaching from simple industrial ones up to aerospace measurements the knowledge of their behaviour and limitations is of high importance. Within this paper we will be focusing on both base and noble metal thermocouples which have their specific areas of use. The emphasis of the presented studies is on the hysteresis and homogeneity effects within base metal type K and N thermocouples and on the effect of new construction of noble metal type Au/Pt thermocouples.

Біографія автора

Peter Pavlasek, Slovak Institute of Metrology (SMU) Karloveska 63, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia



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