Application of oil absorption in case of measurements of temperature of a dew point on moisture of natural gases
DOI:Ключові слова:
Natural gas, Measurements of humidity and temperature, Gas dew point, The process of oil absorptionАнотація
In the report the reasons demanding to carry out control of moisture content in natural gas on objects of the gas industry are specified. The principles and methods of measurement of humidity and temperature of a dew point of gases are considered. It is told about the devices realizing a condensation method of measurement of a dew point and merits and demerits inherent in this method. Process of oil absorption is considered. Also results of test of the made absorber capable to considerably reduce shortcomings inherent in the analyzers and hygrometers realizing a condensation method of measurement of temperature of a dew point of natural gases are given yielded.Посилання
GOST R 53763 - 2009 "Natural combustible gases. Determination of water dew point temperature.", Moscow, Standartinform, 2010.
GOST R 53762 - 2009 "Natural combustible gases. Determination of hydrocarbon dew point temperature.", Moscow, Standartinform, 2010.
Prakhova M. U., Krasnov A. N., Nagumanov H. G. " Measurements of moisture content in the natural gas for field conditions: some problems.", Modern scientific research and innovations, No. 7 2015.
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