Application of H-maser with increased power in fountain atomic clocks


  • Mikhail Aleynikov National Research Institute for Physical-Technical and RadioTechnical Measurements − FGUP “VNIIFTRI” Mendeleevo, Moscow Region, Russia, Російська Федерація


Ключові слова:

Metrology of time and frequency, The satellite system GLONASS, Rubidium frequency standard of a fountain type, Hydrogen generator of increased power


The state of the art in time and frequency metrology defines many fields of human activity. At present in Russia a special attention is devoted to development of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS and its functional supplements. According to the federal program “Maintenance, advancement and usage of the system GLONASS in 2012-2020 years” a creation of terrestrial rubidium fountain atomic clock with limit achievable Allan deviation no more than 2∙10-16 is envisaged in 2016 year. A main problem of the fountain atomic clock is a phase noise of interrogation signal probing the atomic clock transition. In the present work a solution of the problem via application of the hydrogen maser with increased power as a reference in synthesis scheme of the interrogation signal is described. This solution caused by simplicity because it does not require cryogenic microwave oscillators or complicated optical systems application.

Біографія автора

Mikhail Aleynikov, National Research Institute for Physical-Technical and RadioTechnical Measurements − FGUP “VNIIFTRI” Mendeleevo, Moscow Region, Russia

junior researcher


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