Development of evaluating the service methods quality
DOI:Ключові слова:
Quality system, Services sector, Quality control, The formula for an exact estimateАнотація
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of the quality system in the services sector, suggests ways to improve and enhance the quality of customer service on an example of a single organization. The methods of quality assurance for the enterprise in general and specifically are based on the methodology developed by the author for calculating the quality of services. The literature describes a number of ways to measure customer satisfaction, so I used the all known methods which are used in domestic and foreign practice to develop of recommendations to improve the quality of service in the resort. But, unfortunately, they do not cover all the required amount of information, so I proposed a method in which the known methods used, as well as the formula for the accurate assessment of the quality of service applied. This formula is first proposed to determine the quality of services provided, without a large number of calculations and analyzes. For this we introduce the variable X - customer satisfaction, which means the ratio of consumers estimate obtained during the survey to guide the assessment, expressed in %. The smaller the determined value, the greater the discrepancy between the expectation of the organization and customer data.Посилання
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