Peculiarities of the accurate ac phase controlled bridge realization


  • Mikhail Surdu Institute of electrodynamics of National Academy on Science of Ukraine, Україна
  • Dmitriy Surdu Lviv Center of Space Research Institute of NAS of Ukraine, Україна


Ключові слова:

Method of building, AC bridges, Voltage dividers, Phase control, Synthesis of signal, Controlled amplitude, Summation of signals, Controlled phase


The new method of building of AC bridges, in which phase-controlled voltage dividers are used, based on the synthesis of a signal with a controlled amplitude by summing signals with a controlled phase.

Біографії авторів

Mikhail Surdu, Institute of electrodynamics of National Academy on Science of Ukraine

doctor of science, professor, leading scientist of Institute of electrodynamics of National Academy on Science of Ukraine, Kiev

Dmitriy Surdu, Lviv Center of Space Research Institute of NAS of Ukraine

head of laboratory of Lviv Center of Space Research Institute of NAS of Ukraine


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