Solution of problems of dynamics in the information space of states on the basis of the principle of complexity minimization


  • Игорь Георгиевич Тулузов Kharkiv Regional Center of Investments, Україна
  • Сергей Иванович Мельник Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics named after A. Ya. Usikov NAS of Ukraine, Україна


Ключові слова:

information space, the dynamics, the principle of least action, relativism, fundamental measurement, invariance, the theory of complexity


The principle of minimizing of the complexity allows us to introduce a quantitative measure of information in algorithmic information theory. It is similar to the physical principle of least action in the vector space of the information states. The variational problem of finding the optimal description of the information object "B" for a given object "A" corresponds to the determination of the classical trajectory of a material point for a given initial and final position in the physical space-time. At the same time, the physical in the own reference system is equivalent to the length of the suffix of the compressed binary word. The proposed analogies of the information and physical theories simplify the description of the complex systems of information objects.


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