Evaluation of the measurement uncertainty at calibration of devices for electrical energy and power meters verification


  • Андрей Николаевич Попенака Research and Production Enterprise TUNIKA Ltd, Україна
  • Александр Иванович Колбасин National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology", Україна
  • Наталья Михайловна Маслова National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology", Україна



Ключові слова:

measurement uncertainty, vector measurement, calibration, power, electrical energy, AC voltage, electric current, analog-to-digital converter


The technology of mode parameters vector measurement is described. Hardware-measuring-computer complex is suggested for testing a wide range of power measuring instruments. The dual channel synchronous analog-to-digital converter (ADC) connected to the voltage divider and the shunt is a single-phase power meter. Stages of cal-ibration of electrical energy and power meters are considered. The measurement uncertainty at calibration of de-vices for electrical energy and power meters verification is evaluated. The results of the calibration of the two refer-ence meters are presented as an example.

Біографія автора

Наталья Михайловна Маслова, National Scientific Centre "Institute of Metrology"

Научно-исследовательская лаборатория электрики и магнетизма

старший научный сотрудник


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