Metrological support of measuring electrical energy in the housing sector and the development of scientifically justified recommendations for their selection


  • Zhansaya Omarova al-Farabi Kazakh National university (al-FarabiKazNu) 71 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Казахстан


Ключові слова:

Electric meter, Measurement reliability, Calibration interval, Induction electric meter, Electronic electric meter, Single-tariffed electric meter, maximum permissible relative error, threshold and creep meter


This work is devoted to actual problem of energy saving. The authors have studied the metrological characteristics of different types of measurement of electrical energy used in the sphere of housing and communal services. They based their analysis on metrological characteristics of modern electric meters of induction type and electronic single tariffed and multi tariffed meters. They designed practical recommendations on the choice of electricity meters, the best in terms of their metrological reliability, calibration interval and operating costs. These recommendations may have socio-economic effect to the introduction of new electricity meters’ types.

Біографія автора

Zhansaya Omarova, al-Farabi Kazakh National university (al-FarabiKazNu) 71 al-Farabi Ave., Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Master of 2nd course


Sergeev AG, Krokhin VV - Metrology: Logos, 2001. - 408 p.

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