Surface analysis by XRF and XPS for the Avogadro constant and the realization of the kilogram based on silicon spheres
DOI:Ключові слова:
Avogadro constant, Redefinition of the SI unit kilogram, Quantitative surface analysis of silicon spheresАнотація
The determination of the Avogadro constant for the redefinition of the SI unit kilogram as well as the eventual realization of the kilogram by monocrystalline enriched 28Si-spheres require a reliable surface analysis on silicon spheres. A novel instrumentation for the quantitative surface analysis of silicon spheres combines X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques in order to enable the characterization and quantification of the oxide layer and unintentional contaminations. The analysis relies on the combination of the complementary X-ray methods. Measurements on 28Si-spheres were carried out. The surface was characterized regarding the elementary composition including the chemical binding states of the components and the mass of the surface layerПосилання
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