Dissemination of the National Standard of Mass from INACAL using the gauss Markov method by generalized least squares


  • Donny Taipe Instituto Nacional de Calidad Calle de la Prosa N°150, San Borja, Lima- Peru, Перу



Ключові слова:

Dissemination, variance, univariate, multivariate, Monte Carlo


This article sustains the transfer of the national standard of mass (KP1) of INACAL to two reference standards ‘Weight 1’, ‘Weight 2’ and also KP2 (as witnessed mass standard and with known error). The dissemination was done using the Gauss Markov method by Generalized Least Squares. The uncertainty calculation was performed using Univariate Gaussian Distribution and Multivariate Gaussian Distribution; the latter was developed with the Monte Carlo method using a programming language called 'R software'.

Біографія автора

Donny Taipe, Instituto Nacional de Calidad Calle de la Prosa N°150, San Borja, Lima- Peru



Evaluation of measurement data - Supplement 1 to the "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" - Propagation of distributions using Monte Carlo method.

Roman Schwartz (April 1995). Guide to With high accuracy mass determination. Physikalisch-Technische Bundersanstalt, Mechanik und Akustik.

Luz Cori. Procedure for Calibrating Precision Weights, using the method of Gauss Markov. INACAL, Lima - Peru (2016)


